Kandidat: Selma Omerčević
Mentor: Doc.dr. Ženesa Ljevo, dipl.inž.građ.
Odsjek/katedra Saobraćajnice
Datum odbrane: Na osnovu zapisnika
Sažetak: U ovom završnom radu su obrađeni različiti modeli ugovora koji se primjenjuju na objektima saobraćajne infrastrukture. Radi se o teorijskom i empirijskom istraživanju. Glavni cilj istraživanja je potvrditi ili odbiti postavljenu hipotezu, ali i doći do novih spoznaja o modelima ugovora koji se primjenjuju na objektima saobraćajne infrastrukture. Najčešće korišteni standardni oblik međunarodnih građevinskih ugovora u svijetu su Ugovori FIDIC- a. FIDIC je razvio određene tipove uslova Ugovora za svaki slučaj raspodjele odgovornosti i rizika, te 1999. godine objavio tzv. Dugin komplet (Rainbow suite) Ugovora. Tri vodeće i najpoznatije Knjige iz Dugine serije Ugovora su Crvena, Žuta i Srebrna Knjiga. U radu su detaljno analizirana ova 3 modela ugovora kako bi se došlo do teoretskih uvida koji su poslužili kao podloga za provedbu empirijskog istraživanja primjenom metode intervjua, anketiranja i studije slučaja s ciljem sticanja iskustvenih saznanja o određenoj temi.
Ključne riječi: FIDIC Ugovori, Crvena Knjiga, Žuta Knjiga, Srebrna Knjiga
Summary: In this final thesis, different models of contracts that are applied to traffic infrastructure facilities are discussed. It is theoretical and empirical research. The main goal of the research is to confirm or reject the hypothesis, but also to gain new knowledge about contract models that are applied to traffic infrastructure facilities. The most commonly used standard form of international construction contracts in the world are FIDIC Contracts. FIDIC developed certain contract conditions for each case of responsibility and risk distribution. In 1999 the so-called Rainbow suite of Contracts was published. The three leading and most famous Books from the Rainbow Contract series are the Red, Yellow, and Silver Book. In this work, these 3 contract models were analyzed in detail to reach theoretical knowledge that served as a basis for the implementation of empirical research using the method of interviews, surveys, and case studies to gain experiential knowledge about a specific topic.
Keywords: FIDIC contracts, Red Book, Yellow Book, Silver Book
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