Kandidat: Kadić Ahmed
Mentor: prof.dr. sc. Mirza Pozder,đ.

doc.dr. Žanesa Ljevo, dipl.inž.građ.

Odsjek/katedra Saobraćajnice
Datum odbrane: Na osnovu zapisnika
Sažetak: BIM metodologija vremenom uzima sve veći zamah, obzirom na sve benefite koje pruža. Predmet rada je bila izrada projekta cestovne infrastrukture, u ovom slučaju kružne raskrsnice, u skladu sa BIM metodologijom. Za izradu projekta korišten je oblak tačaka interesnog područja i katastar podzemnih instalacija. U prvoj fazi izrađen je konceptualni model pomoću „Autodesk Infraworks“ softvera kojim se omogućila vizualizacija budućeg izgleda objekta a nakon toga je urađen detaljan 2D projekat objekta, pomoću softvera „Autodesk Civil3D“. Pored standardnog 2D projekta, izrađen je i 3D model objekta koji je bio osnova za 4D i 5D model u skladu sa BIM metodologijom. Rezultat četvrte dimenzije je organizacija građenja a petom dimenzijom su obuhvaćeni troškovi na njegovoj izgradnji. Za dobijanje 4D i 5D modela, korišten je softver „Autodesk Navisworks“, koji je također poslužio za dobijanje predmjera i predračuna radova, koji je prilog ovog rada.
Ključne riječi: BIM, cestovna infrastruktura, kružna raskrsnica
Summary: BIM methodology over time takes on an ever-growing impetus, given all the benefits it provides. In this paper, this methodology has been applied in a concrete example – the conceptual design of a road infrastructure object, in this case a roundabout. For the preliminary design, as a base, the point cloud and cadastre of underground installations were used. An initial solution was made with the software package “Autodesk Infraworks”, which provided the visualization of the future look of the object, and after that a detailed 2D project object was created using “Autodesk Civil3D” software. In addition to the standard 2D project, a 3D model object was created that was the basis for adding the fourth (4D) and fifth (5D) dimensions of BIM metodologija. Result of fourth dimension is construction management, and the fifth dimension involved the costs involved in its construction. To obtain the 4D and 5D models, „Autodesk Navisworks“ software was used, which also served as a tool for obtaining bill of quantities, which is a part of this work.
Keywords: BIM, road infrastructure, roundabout
slot demo